Hello I am Neli.

I was born in 1981 in Bulgaria. I grew up like all other children in this time. I went to school and I was interested in a lot of things. Later, I made a profession out of my hobby and worked as a professional dancer. I had a really great time until on one day a car accident changed everything in my life and all my plans for the future.


I was sitting on the co-driver seat of a car, as the driver made an idiotic mistake, which caused in an horrible accident. I was very severe injuried, the driver had nearly no injuries. Both of my legs had very severe injuries and as I woke up in the hospital, after several days, I faced the shocking truth.

I had in my memories that my legs were injured and asked the nurses for them. They told me, that they were only able to save on of my legs. It was a horrible time and I really want to forget this, but it does not leave my memories.

I had a long period of rehabilitation and I tried over the years several types of prosthetic legs. Because of the high level of my amputation, none of them fitted to me. I think, the only way to fit me with a prosthetic leg is an osseointegration.

I fighted hard for each step back in my life and I made it . I learned a lot abou my old friends and I can tell you today when, I look back, that I am happy that I am alive.

I founded a family with my husband and I life a full live today.

As Natalie asked me if I want to take part in the Palace, I applied to this immediately because I really like to be in front of the camra. We had a good time together and I hope you like the videos and the pictures.


Yours Neli