Hello my name is Alexandra,

I was born in the Ukraine in 1989. When I was sixteen years old, I was diagnosed with bone cancer. After several chemotherapies I had a surgery, in which the tumor and parts of my bone were removed. My bone was replaced with an endoprosthesis. After a long rehabilitation I was finally able to stand on both of my legs.

I started my studies and hoped, that the worst part of all this was behind me. This illusion did not last for long. On the next check-up the doctors found cancer in my lung. All started from the beginning with chemotherapy and surgeries. My family and my friends supported me in this new fight again very much and finally I won the fight.

Unfortunately was not very lucky again. At the

end of the therapy my weakened body repelled

the metal parts in my leg.

I had again several surgeries and it seemed, that it began to heal. so I continued with my life again. After my pregnancy, the whole thing started again what brought me to the hardest decision in my life: The amputation of my leg.

The amputation was in the year 2013. I was full of sorrows and shame. I did not want to go out of the house. My husband and my son helped me to accept my new life as it is. I started meeting other people again and to enjoy my life.

Today I try to live my life at the fullest. So it came, that I met Natalie. Natalie told me about her project and offered me to become a part of it. I was immediately interested and wanted to try it.

I enjoyed the work with Natalie because her web project shows the word that amputees can be attractive, interesting, stunning and eye-catching. It was a big step for my self-awareness.

I am very proud, that I fought against cancer, that I did not break about this horror, that I found back in a normal life and that I'm an attractive, loving mother and wife today.

I hope my story can be an example, that each fight has to be fighted until the end and that there is no place for a premature defeat, even in the eye of a potential deadly diagnosis.

Yours Alexandra